WSC 2013 ProceedingsCreated 2014-1-8

Overview | By Track

Sunday, December 8th
PhD Colloquium Keynote Address
Capitol Ballroom H-J
Nurcin Celik
InfoSymbiotics/DDDAS: From Big Data to New Capabilities
Doctoral Colloquium
PhD Colloquium

Doctoral Colloquium Presentations I
Capitol Ballroom H-J
Mamadou Seck
Exploration of Purpose for Multi-Method Simulation in the Context of Social Phenomena Representation
Promoting Green Internet Computing throughout Simulation-Optimization Scheduling Algorithms
Parallel Simulation of Large Population Dynamics
An Agent-Based Simulation of a Tuberculosis Epidemic: Understanding the Timing of Transmission and Impact of Household Contact Tracing
A System Dynamics Approach for Poultry Operation to Achieve Additional Benefits
Uncertainty Modeling and Simulation of Settlement Impacts in Mechanized Tunneling
Capacity Management and Patient Scheduling in an Outpatient Clinic Using Discrete Event Simulation
Improving Patient Length-Of-Stay in Emergency Department Through Dynamic Queue Management
A DSM-Based Multi-Paradigm Simulation Modeling Approach for Complex Systems
An Integrated Simulation, Markov Decision Processes and Game Theoretic Framework for Analysis of Supply Chain Competitions
Doctoral Colloquium
PhD Colloquium

Doctoral Colloquium Presentations II
Capitol Ballroom K
Nurcin Celik
A Balanced Sequential Design Strategy for Global Surrogate Modeling
Bootstrapping and Conditional Simulation in Kriging: Better Confidence Interval and Optimization?
An Adaptive Radial Basis Function Method using Weighted Improvement
A Distributed Simulation Approach for Continuous Variable Control of a Home Care Crew Schedule Problem
Population Model-based Optimization with Sequential Monte Carlo
Stochastic Pi-Calculus Based Modeling and Simulation Language for Antibacterial Surfaces
Optimal Learning with Non-Gaussian Rewards
Agent Heterogeneity in Social Network Formation: An Agent-based Approach
Comparing Optimal Convergence Rate of Stochastic Mesh and Least Squares Method for Bermudan Option Pricing
A Discrete Event Simulation Model of Asphalt Paving Operations
Doctoral Colloquium
PhD Colloquium

Doctoral Colloquium Presentations III
Capitol Ballroom H-J
Andreas Tolk
The GAP-DRG Model: Simulation of Outpatient Care for Comparison of Different Reimbursement Schemes
Simulation-Based Robust Optimization for Complex Truck-Shovel Systems in Surface Coal Mines
Exploration of the Effect of Workers' Influence Network on Their Absence Behavior Using Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
Combining Simulation and Integer Programming IP Techniques to Achieve Realistic Optimality
Validation of an Agent-Based Model of Aircraft Carrier Flight Deck Operations
A Modular Simulation Model for Assessing Interventions for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Improving Performance of SME’s Using SCOR and AHP Methodology
A Systems Dynamics Approach to Support Prospective Planning of Interventions to Improve Chronic Kidney Disease Care
Doctoral Colloquium
PhD Colloquium

Doctoral Colloquium Presentations IV
Capitol Ballroom K
Esfandyar Mazhari
An effective proposal distribution for sequential Monte Carlo methods-based wildfire data assimilation
Hybridized Optimization Approaches to the Scheduling of Multi-Period Mixed-Btu Natural Gas Products
Efficient Learning of Donor Retention Strategies for the American Red Cross
REDSim: A Spatial Agent-Based Simulation For Studying Emergency Departments
Generalized Integrated Brownian Fields for Simulation Metamodeling
Cumulative Weighting Optimization: The Discrete Case
Skipping Algorithms for Defect Inspection Using a Dynamic Control Strategy in Semiconductor Manufacturing
Applying a Splitting Technique to Estimate Electrical Grid Reliability
Doctoral Colloquium
PhD Colloquium

Monday, December 9th
Big Data and the Bright Future of Simulation (The Case of...
Grand Ballroom I-II
Raymond Hill
Keynote Address

Data-Driven and Adaptive Construction Simulation and Visu...
Amir Behzadan
On-Line Simulation of Building Energy Processes: Need and Research Requirements
Utilizing Simulation Derived Quantitative Formulas for Accurate Excavator Hauler Fleet Selection
Automated Knowledge Discovery and Data-Driven Simulation Model Generation of Construction Operations
Technical Session
Project Management and Construction

Deliver Us From Complexity
Capitol Ballroom B-C
Raymond Hill
Military Keynote Address

Energy Generation and Demand
Jon Andersson
An Inverse PDE-ODE Model for Studying Building Energy Demand
A Hybrid Simulation Model For Large-Scaled Electricity Generation Systems
A DDDAMS Framework for Real-Time Load Dispatching in Power Networks
Technical Session
Environmental and Sustainability Applications

Improved Application of M&S
Saurabh Mittal
Interacting Real-Time Simulation Models and Reactive Computational-Physical Systems
Using Simulation to Evaluate Call Forecasting Algorithms for Inbound Call Center
Model-driven Systems Engineering for Netcentric System of Systems with DEVS Unified Process
Technical Session
Modeling Methodology

Introduction to Simulation
Capitol Ballroom F
Loo Hay Lee
Introduction to Simulation
Technical Session
Introductory Tutorials

Markets and Economics
Charles M. Macal
Multifractal Analysis of Agent-Based Financial Markets
Switching Behavior in Online Auctions: Empirical Observations and Predictive Implications
A Magic Number versus Trickle Down Agent-Based Model of Tax Policy
Technical Session
Agent Based Simulation

New Topics in Simulation Optimization
Chun-Hung Chen
On the Solution of Stochastic Optimization Problems in Imperfect Information Regimes
Ranking and Selection in a High Performance Computing Environment
R-Spline for Local Integer-Ordered Simulation Optimization Problems with Stochastic Constraints
Technical Session
Simulation Optimization

Outpatient Clinic Capacity Analysis
Patrick Einzinger
A Simulation Based Analysis on Reducing Patient Waiting Time for Consultation in an Outpatient Eye Clinic
Simulation as a Guide for Systems Redesign in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: Appointment Template Redesign
Capacity Management and Patient Scheduling in an Outpatient Clinic Using Discrete Event Simulation
Technical Session
Healthcare Applications

Lars Moench
Two-Stage Lot Scheduling with Limited Waiting Time Constraints and Distinct Due Dates
Scheduling Maintenance Tasks with Time-Dependent Synchronization Constraints by a CP Modeling Approach
Study on Multi-Objective Optimization For Parallel Batch Machine Scheduling Using Variable Neighbourhood Search
Technical Session

Selection Under Uncertainty
Capitol Ballroom H-J
Hong Wan
A Procedure to Select the Best Subset among Simulated Systems using Economic Opportunity Cost
A Subset Selection Procedure under Input Parameter Uncertainty
A Quicker Assessment of Input Uncertainty
Technical Session
Analysis Methodology

Simulation Applications I
Elmar Kiesling
A Simulation-Based Algorithm for the Integrated Location and Routing Problem in Urban Logistics
Dynamic Data Driven Event Reconstruction for Traffic Simulation Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
Simulation-based Optimization of Information Security Controls: An Adversary-Centric Approach
Technical Session
General Applications

Simulation as a Cloud Service
Capitol Ballroom A
Young-Jun Son
Modeling and Simulation as a Cloud Service: A Survey
Technical Session
Advanced Tutorials

Simulation for Manufacturing Control Support
Dave Goldsman
Discrete Event Simulation for Integrated Design in the Production and Commissioning of Manufacturing Systems
Simulation-Based Hybrid Control Research On WIP In A Multi-Tightly-Coupled-Cells Production System
Consistent Use of Emulation Across Different Stages of Plant Development - The Case of Deadlock Avoidance for Cyclic Cut-to-Size Processes
Technical Session
Manufacturing Applications

Simulation in Operations Management
Capitol Ballroom E
Ilya Ryzhov
Managing On-Demand Computing with Heterogeneous Customers
Efficient Learning of Donor Retention Strategies for the American Red Cross
Learning Logistic Demand Curves in Business-to-Business Pricing
Technical Session
Simulation for Decision Making

Supply Chain I
Brian L. Heath
A Stochastic Simulation Model of a Continuous Value Chain Operation with Feedback Streams and Optimization
Using Simulation for Potash Mining Operations Improvement
Stochastic Simulation Techniques Applied Stamping Industry and Metal Artifacts of the Industrial Pole of Manaus PIM
Industrial Case Study
Industrial Case Study

Supply Chain Optimization I
Capitol Ballroom K
Sanjay Jain
Investigating The Effect Of Demand Aggregation On The Performance Of An (R, Q) Inventory Control Policy
Revenue and Production Management in a Multi-Echelon Supply Chain
Agile logistics simulation and optimization for managing disaster responses
Technical Session
Supply Chain Management and Transportation

Vendor Presentations
FlexSim: Focusing on Problem Solving
Recent Advances in Emulate3D – Faster Execution, Easier Build
Vendor Session
Vendor Track I

Vendor Presentations
Forward Vision - Operations Intelligence
Applications of Arena in Industry
Vendor Session
Vendor Track II

Simulation and Software through 50 Years
Grand Ballroom I-II
Raymond Hill
Titans of Simulation

A Tutorial on How to Select Simulation Input Distributions
Capitol Ballroom F
Bahar Biller
A Tutorial on How to Select Simulation Input Distributions
Technical Session
Introductory Tutorials

Advances in Ranking and Selection I
Abhijit Gosavi
The Knowledge Gradient Algorithm Using Locally Parametric Approximations
Robust Selection of the Best
Upper Bounds for Bayesian Ranking & Selection
Technical Session
Simulation Optimization

Agent Based Modeling in Sustainable Infrastructure Design...
Carol Menassa
Energy Saving Information Cascades in Online Social Networks: An Agent-based Simulation Study
Modeling Occupant Energy Use Interventations in Evolving Social Networks
Exploration of the Effect of Workers' Influence Network on Their Absence Behavior Using Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
Technical Session
Project Management and Construction

Epidemic Medical Decisions
Adrian Ramirez Nafarrate
An Agent-Based Simulation of a Tuberculosis Epidemic: Understanding the Timing of Transmission
Identifying Superspreaders for Epidemics using R0-Adjusted Network Centrality
Technical Session
Healthcare Applications

Experiments with Metamodels
Capitol Ballroom H-J
Enlu Zhou
A Case Study Examining The Impact Of Factor Screening For Neural Network Metamodels
Simulation Screening Experiments using LASSO-optimal Supersaturated Design and Analysis: A Maritime Operations Application
Multilevel Monte Carlo Metamodeling
Technical Session
Analysis Methodology

Nicholson Collier
A Hybrid Agent-Based and Differential Equations Model for Simulating Antibiotic Resistance in a Hospital Ward
REDSim: A Spatial Agent-Based Simulation For Studying Emergency Departments
Sub-Lognormal Size Distribution of Hospitals - An Agent-based Approach and Empirical Study
Technical Session
Agent Based Simulation

MASM Keynote
Jesus A. Jimenez
Impacts of Imminent Changes in the Semiconductor Industry
Technical Session

Modeling Human Behaviors
Capitol Ballroom A
Ozgur Ozmen
An Extended BDI Model for Human Behaviors: Decision-Making, Learning, Interactions, and Applications
Technical Session
Advanced Tutorials

Modeling Methodology for Sustainability
Guodong Shao
Simulation Model in a Free and Open-Source Software for Carbon Monoxide Emissions Analysis
Promoting Green Internet Computing throughout Simulation-Optimization Scheduling Algorithms
Startup Methodology for Production Flow Simulation Projects Assessing Environmental Sustainability
Technical Session
Environmental and Sustainability Applications

Models for Specific Manufacturing Applications
Edward Williams
A Simulation Tool For Complex Assembly Lines With Multi-Skilled Resources
A Simulation-Based Approach to Inventory Management in Batch Process with Flexible Recipes
Modeling and Simulation of a Mattress Production Line Using ProModel
Technical Session
Manufacturing Applications

Philosophy of Simulation
Andreas Tolk
Epistemology of Modeling and Simulation
Technical Session
Modeling Methodology

Simulation Applications II
Theodore Allen
Hybrid Simulation Decision Support System for University Management
West Nile Virus System Dynamics Investigation in Dallas County, TX
Could Simulation Optimization Have Prevented 2012 Central Florida Election Lines?
Technical Session
General Applications

Simulation for Decision Making in Healthcare Applications
Capitol Ballroom E
Stephen Chick
Combined DES/SD Simulation Model of Breast Cancer Screening for Older Women: An Overview
Admission Control in a Pure Loss Healthcare Network: MDP and DES Approach
A Modular Simulation Model for Assessing Interventions for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Technical Session
Simulation for Decision Making

Simulation of Operational Systems
Capitol Ballroom B-C
J.O. Miller
Simulating Satellite Downlink Data Loss And Recovery Due To Rain Attenuation
Analyzing Noncombatant Evacuation Operations using Discrete Event Simulation
Forecasting Effects of MISO Actions: An ABM Methodology
Technical Session
Military Applications

Supply Chain II
Tiffany Harper
Simulation of Copper Concentrate Transportation in Chile
Independent Verification & Validation of Integrated Supply-Chain Network Simulation and Optimization Models
Industrial Case Study
Industrial Case Study

Supply Chain Optimization II
Capitol Ballroom K
Jon Andersson
Coupling Ant Colony Optimization and Discrete-Event Simulation to Solve a Stochastic Location-Routing Problem
Solving Location Problems Using Simulation Modeling
Simulation Analysis of Supply Chain Systems with Reverse Logistics
Technical Session
Supply Chain Management and Transportation

Vendor Presentations
Introduction to SAS Simulation Studio
AutoMod® – Modeling Complex Manufacturing, Distribution, and Logistics Systems for Over 30 Years
Vendor Session
Vendor Track I

Vendor Presentations
SIMUL8 Corporation - Live Demonstration and Software Preview
Multi-Method Modeling
Vendor Session
Vendor Track II

Advances in Metamodels
Capitol Ballroom H-J
Szu Hui Ng
Building Metamodels for Quantile-Based Measures Using Sectioning
Aggregation of Forecasts from Multiple Simulation Models
Generalized Integrated Brownian Fields for Simulation Metamodeling
Technical Session
Analysis Methodology

Advances in Ranking and Selection II
Xiaowei Zhang
Adaptive Simulation Budget Allocation for Determining the Best Design
Minimizing Opportunity Cost in Selecting the Best Feasible Design
Policy Perspective of Statistics Selection Procedure
Technical Session
Simulation Optimization

Advances in Simulation-based Decision Making Methods
Capitol Ballroom E
Enver Yucesan
Two-Stage Likelihood Robust Linear Program with Application to Water Allocation under Uncertainty
Pareto Optimization and Tradeoff Analysis Applied to Meta-Learning of Multiple Simulation Criteria
Allocating Attribute-Specific Information-Gathering Resources to Improve Selection Decisions
Technical Session
Simulation for Decision Making

An Introduction to Verification and Validation of Simulat...
Capitol Ballroom F
Christos Alexopoulos
An Introduction to Verification and Validation of Simulation Models
Technical Session
Introductory Tutorials

Freight Operations Optimization
Capitol Ballroom K
Eric Ervin
Simulation Model for Container Fleet Sizing on Dedicated Route
Simulation-based Truck Fleet Analysis To Study The Impact of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s 2013 Hours of Service Regulation Changes.
Hybrid Algorithm for the Optimization of Multimodal Freight Transport Services: Marine Application
Technical Session
Supply Chain Management and Transportation

Military Support Modeling
Capitol Ballroom B-C
J.O. Miller
Using Discrete Event Simulation to Evaluate Time Series Forecasting Methods for Security Applications
A Discrete Event Simulation Environment Tailored to the Needs of Military Human Resources Management
Simulation and Analysis of EXPRESS Run Frequency
Technical Session
Military Applications

Multi-Paradigm and Hybrid Simulation
John A. Miller
Simulation of Mixed Discrete and Continuous Systems: An Iron Ore Terminal Example
A DSM-based Multi-Paradigm Simulation Modeling Approach for Complex Systems
Supporting a Modeling Continuum in ScalaTion: From Predictive Analytics to Simulation Modeling
Technical Session
Modeling Methodology

Public Health I
Amy K. Pitts
Simulation Based Clinical Trial Designs
Modeling the Impact of Antiretroviral Drugs for HIV Treatment and Prevention in Resource-Limited Settings
Projecting Prison Populations with SAS® Simulation Studio
Industrial Case Study
Industrial Case Study

Quality & Supply Chain Management
Israel Tirkel
Quality Risk Analysis at Sampling Stations Crossed by One Monitored Product and an Unmonitored Flow
Skipping Algorithms for Defect Inspection Using a Dynamic Control Strategy in Semiconductor Manufactoring
A Heuristic to Support Make-to-Stock, Assemble-to-Order, and Make-to-Order Decisions in Semiconductor Supply Chains
Technical Session

Remote Care Clinics
Eduardo Perez
Improving Services in Outdoor Patient Departments by Focusing on Process Parameters: A Simulation Approach
Continuous Variable Control Approach for Home Care Crew Scheduling
A Simulation Analysis of a Patient-Centered Surgical Home to Improve Outpatient Surgical Processes of Care and Outcomes
Technical Session
Healthcare Applications

Scheduling of Manufacturing Tasks
Simaan AbouRizk
Simulation-Based Planning of Maintenance Activities in The Automative Industry
Intelligent Dispatching in Dynamic Stochastic Job Shops
Simulation-based Overhead-Crane Scheduling for a Manufacturing Plant
Technical Session
Manufacturing Applications

Simulation Applications III
Lonnie Turpin
Green Production - Strategies and Dynamics: A Simulation Based Study
Reducing Inventory Cost for a Medical Device Manufacturer Using Simulation
Using a Natural Language Generation Approach to Document Simulation Results
Technical Session
General Applications

Simulation for Environmental Safety
Jonatan Berglund
An Effective Proposal Distribution for Sequential Monte Carlo Methods-Based Wildfire Data Assimilation
Simulation and Optimization for an Experimental Environment to Wildfire Resource Management and Planning: Firefight Project Modelling and Architecture
Formalizing Geographical Models Using Specification and Description Language: The Wildfire Example
Technical Session
Environmental and Sustainability Applications

Simulation of Complex Adaptive Systems
Capitol Ballroom A
Thomas J. Schriber
An Agent-based Simulation Study of a Complex Adaptive Collaboration Network
Technical Session
Advanced Tutorials

UAVs and Flocking Models
Madhav Marathe
Agent-Based Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation For UAV/UGV Surveillance and Crowd Control System
Investigations of DDDAS for Command and Control of UAV Swarms with Agent-Based Modeling
Emergence by Strategy: Flocking Boids and their Fitness in Relation to Model Complexity
Technical Session
Agent Based Simulation

Vendor Presentations
Introduction to Simio
Energy Efficiency Optimization in Plant Production Systems
Vendor Session
Vendor Track I

Vendor Presentations
The Arithmetic of Uncertainty, a Cure for the Flaw of Averages
War Stories From the Front Line
Vendor Session
Vendor Track II

Visual Simulation in Constrution Engineering and Mangement
Vineet Kamat
As-Built Modeling and Visual Simulation of Tunnels Using Real-Time TBM Positioning Data
Technology-Enhanced Learning in Construction Education Using Mobile Context-Aware Augmented Reality Visual Simulation
Location-Aware Real-Time Simulation Framework for Earthmoving Projects Using Automated Machine Guidance
Technical Session
Project Management and Construction

General Simulation Applications
Si Zhang
Analyzing the Main and First Order Effects of Operational Policies on the Warehouse Productivity
Manual Work Analysis and Simulation System Framework for Performance Improvement in Manned Assembly Line
Learning Primary Feature in Compressive Sampling Space: A Sparse Representation Study
The Compliance Costs of IRS Post-Filing Processes
Concurrent Simulations Of Thermal Radiation In Plasmas
Improving Traffic Flow in a Virtual City where All Control Devices have been Replaced by Self-Regulatory Systems
Virtual Reality Operator Training System for Continuous Casting Process in Steel Industry
Duopoly Price Competition with Switching Cost and Bounded Rational Customers
Applying a Splitting Technique to Estimate Electrical Grid Reliability
Projecting Network Loading of Correlated Traffic Streams under High Growth
Simulation Versus Constraint-Based Graphical Modeling of Construction Processes
Constraint simulation - Identification of Important Construction Constraints
Poster Madness

Service Operations Simulation and Agent-based Models
Jie Xu
Performance Evaluation in a Laboratory Medicine Unit
Behavioral Influence Assessment for Organizational Cooperation in Cyber Security
Estimating the Effects of Heterogeneous Competition in an Agent-based Ecological Model Using GIS Raster Color
Intelligent Selection of a Server Among Parallel Identical Servers
Simulation of Canadian Nanotechnology Innovation Network
FUSE: A Multi-Agent Simulation Environment
Bed Blockage in Irish Hospitals: System Dynamics Methodology
Simulate Skill Mix to Validate a Resource Planning System
Agent Heterogeneity in Social Network Formation: An Agent-based Approach
The Role of Block Allocation and Surgery Duration Predictability on Operating Room Utilization
Understanding the Trade-Offs in a Call Center
Modeling Social Factors of Oral Health Equity for Older Adults
Managing Patient Flow at a New York City Federally Qualified Health Center
Poster Madness

Simulation Modeling Tools and Analysis Methodologies
John A. Miller
Elapsed-Time-Sensitive DEVS for Model Checking
Size Measurement of DEVS Models for SBA Effectiveness Evaluation
DEVSMO: An Ontology of DEVS Model Representation for Model Reuse
Integrated Policy Simulation in Complex System-of-Systems
A Hybrid Search Algorithm with Optimal Computing Budget Allocation for Resource Allocation Problem
Towards a General Foundation for Formalism-Specific Instrumentation Languages
Towards Composing ML-Rules Models
DYANA: HLA-based Distributed Real-time Embedded Systems Simulation Tool
Integration of 3D Laser Scanning Into Traditional DES Project Methodology
Using a Frequency Domain Approach on Model Comparison
An Adaptive Radial Basis Function Method using Weighted Improvement
A Trust Region-Based Algorithm for Continuous Optimization via Simulation
Co-Simulation Using Specification and Description Language
Poster Madness

Tuesday, December 10th
A Practical Introduction to Analysis of Simulation Output...
Capitol Ballroom F
Raghu Pasupathy
A Practical Introduction to Analysis of Simulation Output Data
Technical Session
Introductory Tutorials

Advanced Simulation Modeling I
Ricki G. Ingalls
On-time Data Exchange in Fully-Parallelized Co-Simulation with Conservative Synchronization
Time Management In Hierarchical Federation Using RTI-RTI Interoperation
Modeling and Simulating the Effects of OS Jitter
Technical Session
General Applications

Command and Control Models
Capitol Ballroom B-C
Darryl Ahner
Challenges of and Criteria for Validating a Physiology Model within a TCCC Serious Game
Reconfigurable C3 Simulation Framework: Interoperation between C2 and Communication Simulators
Weapon Tradeoff Analysis Using Dynamic Programming for a Dynamic Weapon Target Assignment Problem Within a Simulation
Technical Session
Military Applications

Defense and Combat Modeling
Michael J. North
Two Approaches to Developing a Multi-Agent System for Battle Command Simulation
Communication Modeling for a Combat Simulation in a Network Centric Warfare Environment
Technical Session
Agent Based Simulation

Distribution Center Optimization
Capitol Ballroom K
Shigeki Umeda
Simulation Aided, Self-Adapting Knowledge Based Control of Material Handling Systems
Analysis of Assignment Rules in a Manually Operated Distribution Warehouse
Lean Distribution Assessment Using an Integrated Framework of Value Stream Mapping and Simulation
Technical Session
Supply Chain Management and Transportation

Inside Discrete Event Simulation Software
Capitol Ballroom A
Erdal Cayirci
Inside Discrete Event Simulation Software: How It Works and Why It Matters
Technical Session
Advanced Tutorials

Outpatient Access
Gokce Akin Aras
Simulation-based Operation Management of Outpatient Departments in University Hospitals
The GAP-DRG Model: Simulation of Outpatient Care for Comparison of Different Reimbursement Schemes
Modeling and Simulation of Patient Admission Services in a Multi-Specialty Outpatient Clinic
Technical Session
Healthcare Applications

Production and Capacity Planning
Stephane Dauzère-Pérès
Qualification Management with Batch Size Constraint
Modeling Complex Processability Constraints in High-Mix Semiconductor Manufacturing
A Comparison of Production Planning Formulations with Exogenous Cycle Time Estimates Using a Large-Scale Wafer Fab Model
Technical Session

Public Health II
Emily Lada
Ensuring the Overall Performance of a New Hospital Facility through Discrete Event Simulation
Healthcare Policy Re-shaping using Web-based System Dynamics
Modeling Inventory Requirements to Optimize Supply Chain Management in Public Healthcare Facilities
Industrial Case Study
Industrial Case Study

Rare Event Simulation
Capitol Ballroom H-J
Jie Xu
Rare Event Simulation for Stochastic Fixed Point Equations Related to the Smoothing Transformation
Optimal Rare Event Monte Carlo for Markov Modulated Regularly Varying Random Walks
Applying a Splitting Technique to Estimate Electrical Grid Reliability
Technical Session
Analysis Methodology

Simulation and Optimization for MHS
Angel A. Juan
Near Optimality Guarantees for Data-Driven Newsvendor with Temporally Dependent Demand: A Monte Carlo Approach
The Search for Experimental Design with Tens of Variables: Preliminary Results
Optimization of Production and Inventory Policies for Dishwasher Wire Rack Production through Simulation
Technical Session
Manufacturing Applications

Simulation and Visualization for Sustainable Development...
Changbum Ahn
Simulation-Based Evaluation of Fuel Consumption in Heavy Construction Projects By Monitoring Equipment Idle Times
Integrated Evaluation of Cost, Schedule and Emission Performance on Rock-Filled Concrete Dam Construction Operation Using Discrete Event Simulation
Uncertainty Modeling and Simulation of Tool Wear in Mechanized Tunneling
Technical Session
Project Management and Construction

Simulation for Decision Making in Financial Applications
Capitol Ballroom E
Jeffrey Herrmann
True Martingales for Upper Bounds on Bermudan Option Prices under Jump-diffusion Processes
Regulatory Management of Distressed Financial Markets Using Simulation
Managing Commodity Procurement Risk through Hedging
Technical Session
Simulation for Decision Making

Stochastic Approximation Methods in Simulation Optimization
Sujin Kim
Stochastic Root Finding for Optimized Certainty Equivalents
A Regularized Smoothing Stochastic Approximation (RSSA) Algorithm for Stochastic Variational Inequality Problems
An Empirical Sensitivity Analysis of the Kiefer-Wolfowitz Algorithm and Its Variants
Technical Session
Simulation Optimization

Stochastic Processes: New Approaches
Oliver Rose
Using Simulation to Study Statistical Tests for Arrival Process and Service Time Models for Service Systems
Estimation of Unknown Parameters in System Dynamics Models Using the Method of Simulated Moments
JARTA - A Java Library to Model and Fit Autoregressive-To-Anything Processes
Technical Session
Modeling Methodology

Sustainable Manufacturing Applications
Andi H. Widok
Decision Making on Manufacturing System from the Perspective of Material Flow Cost Accounting
MFCA-Based Simulation Analysis for Production Lot-Size Determination in a Multi-Variety and Small-Batch Production System
Multi-Resolution Modeling for Supply Chain Sustainability Analysis
Technical Session
Environmental and Sustainability Applications

Vendor Presentations
Running Distributed Simulations Over Many Cores in Julia
Arena 14.5 - Review of New Features
Vendor Session
Vendor Track I

Vendor Presentations
Simulation Based Planning & Scheduling System: MozArt®
ProModel Takes Predictive Analytics to the Cloud
Vendor Session
Vendor Track II

ABS Applications
Ignacio J. Martinez-Moyano
Planning and Response in the Aftermath of a Large Crisis: An Agent-based Informatics Framework
An Agent-Based Simulation Approach to Experience Management in Theme Parks
Can You Simulate Traffic Psychology? An Analysis
Technical Session
Agent Based Simulation

Advanced Simulation Modeling II
Chao Meng
Open-Source Simulation Software "JaamSim"
A Balanced Sequential Design Strategy for Global Surrogate Modeling
A SysML-based Simulation Model Aggregation Framework for Seedling Propagation System
Technical Session
General Applications

Dispatching Rules
Oliver Rose
Practical Assessment of a Combined Dispatching Policy at a High-Mix Low-Volume Asic Facility
Learning-Based Adaptive Dispatching Method for Batch Processing Machines
An Integrated Approach to Real Time Dispatching Rules Analysis at Seagate Technology
Technical Session

Formal Models for Manufacturing Simulation Applications
Ina Goedicke
A Data Model for Carbon Footprint Simulation in Consumer Goods Supply Chains
Application of a Generic Simulation Model to Optimize Production and Workforce Planning at an Automotive Supplier
Formal Models for Alternative Representations of Manufactoring Systems of Systems
Technical Session
Manufacturing Applications

Global Simulation Optimization
Jiaqiao Hu
An Adaptive Radial Basis Function Method Using Weighted Improvement
Conditional Simulation for Efficient Global Optimization
Adaptive Probabilistic Branch and Bound with Confidence Intervals for Level Set Approximation
Technical Session
Simulation Optimization

Manufacturing & Production
Tiffany Harper
Honda's Black Box Simulation Tool
Print Production Designer: Answering Commercial/Industrial Print Production What-Ifs using Simulation-as-a-Service
Industrial Case Study
Industrial Case Study

Medical Decision Analysis
Javad Taheri
Characteristics of a Simulation Model of the National Kidney Transplantation System
An Agent-Based Simulation Framework to Analyze the Prevalence of Child Obesity
Concierge Medicine: Adoption, Design, and Management
Technical Session
Healthcare Applications

Output Analysis and Model Calibration
Capitol Ballroom H-J
Xi Chen
An Entropy Based Sequential Calibration Approach for Stochastic Computer Models
Confidence Intervals for Quantiles with Standardized Time Series
A Sequential Procedure for Estimating the Steady-State Mean Using Standardized Time-Series
Technical Session
Analysis Methodology

Port Simulation
Capitol Ballroom K
Jonatan Berglund
Managing Container Reshuffling in Vessel Loading by Simulation
Evaluation of different berthing scenarios in Shahid Rajaee Container Terminal using Discrete-Event Simulation
Physical Objects on Navigation Channal Simulation Models
Technical Session
Supply Chain Management and Transportation

Simulation for Decision Making in Manufacturing and Dispa...
Capitol Ballroom E
Enlu Zhou
Towards a Cloud based SME Data Adapter for Discrete Event Simulation Modelling
An Online Simulation To Link Asset Condition Monitoring And Operations Decisions In Through-Life Engineering Services
Simulating Market Effects on Boundedly Rational Agents in Control of the Dynamic Dispatching of Actors in Network-based Operations
Technical Session
Simulation for Decision Making

Simulation for Military Planning
Capitol Ballroom B-C
René Séguin
A Stochastic Discrete Event Simulator for Effects-Based Planning
Construction Planning Simulation at GRU Airport
2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School (2 CFFTS) Resource Allocation Simulation Tool
Technical Session
Military Applications

Simulation in Construction and Project Management Education
Yasser Mohamed
An Integrated Model of Team Motivation and Worker Skills for a Computer-Based Project Management Simulation
Development of a Distributed Construction Project Management Game with COTS in the Loop
Novel Use of Singularity Functions to Model Periodic Phenomena in Cash Flow Analysis
Technical Session
Project Management and Construction

Simulation of Complex Production and Logistics Networks
Capitol Ballroom A
Carl Parson
Introduction to OTD-NET and LAS: Order-To-Delivery Network Simulation and Decision Support Systems in Complex Production and Logistics Networks
Technical Session
Advanced Tutorials

Tutorial: Designing Simulation Experiments
Capitol Ballroom F
Wim van Beers
Tutorial: Designing Simulation Experiments
Technical Session
Introductory Tutorials

Urban and Traffic Simulation
Duck Bong Kim
Simulating the Effect of Urban Morphology on Indoor Thermal Behavior: An Italian Case Study
Simple and Fast Trip Generation for Large Scale Traffic Simulation
Technical Session
Environmental and Sustainability Applications

Vendor Presentations
ExtendSim 9
Vendor Session
Vendor Track I

Vendor Presentations
Integrated Simulation, Data Mining, and Optimization in Microsoft Excel
AnyLogic 7 - New Release Presentation
Vendor Session
Vendor Track II

Verification and Validation
Ross Gore
Selecting Verification and Validation Techniques for Simulation Projects: A Planning and Tailoring Strategy
Towards a Unified Theory of Validation
The Need for Usable Formal Methods in Verification and Validation
Technical Session
Modeling Methodology

The Simulation Curmudgeon
Grand Ballroom I-II
Raymond Hill
Titans of Simulation

Algorithm Performance Evaluation by Simulation
Ming Lu
Simulation for Characterizing a Progressive Registration Algorithm Aligning As-Built 3D Point Clouds against As-Designed Models
Simulation and Optimization of Temporary Road Network in Mass Earthmoving Projects
Integration of Simulation and Pareto-based Optimization for Space Planning in Finishing Phase
Technical Session
Project Management and Construction

Cycle Time Management
Gerald Weigert
Cycle Time Variance Minimization for WIP Balance Approaches in Wafer Fabs
Estimating Wafer Processing Cycle Time Using An Improved G/G/m Queue
The Effectiveness of Variability Reduction in Decreasing Wafer Fabrication Cycle Time
Technical Session

Emergency Room Access
Martin J. Miller
Physician Shift Behavior and Its Impact on Service Performances in an Emergency Department
Improving Patient Length-of-Stay in Emergency Department through Dynamic Queue Management
Minimizing Flow-Time and Time-to-First-Treatment in an Emergency Department through Simulation
Technical Session
Healthcare Applications

Experiment Design and Evaluation
Christos Alexopoulos
Reducing Computation Time in Simulation-Based Optimization of Manufacturing Systems
Mitigating the "Hawthorne Effect" in Simulation Studies
A Comparison of Kanban-Like Control Strategies in a Multi-product Manufacturing System under Erratic Demand
Technical Session
Manufacturing Applications

Grand Challenges of Simulation
Simon Taylor
Grand Challenges in Modeling and Simulation: An OR/MS Perspective
Technical Session
Modeling Methodology

Industry Specific Supply Chains
Capitol Ballroom K
Anders Skoogh
Multi-echelon Network Optimization of Pharmaceutical Cold Chains: A Simulation Study
Reducing Wagon Turnaround Times by Redesigning the Outbound Dispatch Operations of a Steel Plant
Modeling the Sugar Cane Logistics from Farm to Mill
Technical Session
Supply Chain Management and Transportation

Methodological Advances in Social Simulation
Ugo Merlone
Verification Through Calibration: An Approach and A Case Study of a Model of Conflict in Syria
Exploration of Purpose for Multi-Method Simulation in the Context of Social Phenomena Representation
Technical Session
Applications in Social Science and Organizations

Military Distributed Simulation
Capitol Ballroom B-C
Douglas Hodson
Runtime Execution Management Of Distributed Simulations
An Analysis of Parallel Interest Matching Algorithms in Distributed Virtual Environments
Technical Session
Military Applications

Model Development and Methods
Greg Madey
Test-Driven Agent-Based Simulation Development
The ReLogo Agent-based Modeling Language
A Framework for Simulation Validation Coverage
Technical Session
Agent Based Simulation

Novel and Robust Estimation Methods
Capitol Ballroom E
Guzin Bayraksan
A Method for Estimation of Redial and Reconnect Probabilities in Call Centers
Iterative Methods for Robust Estimation under Bivariate Distributional Uncertainty
Discrete Optimization Via Simulation of Catchment Basin Management within the Devsimpy Framework
Technical Session
Simulation for Decision Making

Panel: Education for Professional Analytics Certification
Capitol Ballroom A
Theresa Roeder
Panel: Are We Effectively Preparing Our Students to be Certified Analytics Professionals?
Technical Session
Simulation Education

Simulation in Insurance I
Bahar Biller
Simulating a Modified Hybrid Approach to Resource Assignment in a Shared Billing and Claims Call Center
Business Process Simulation for Claims Transformation
Stochastic Simulation of Optimal Insurance Policies to Manage Supply Chain Risk
Technical Session
Business Process Modeling

Simulation with Learning
Capitol Ballroom H-J
Feng Yang
Relative Value Iteration for Average Reward Semi-Markov Control via Simulation
Optimal Learning With Non-Gaussian Rewards
Regenerative Simulation for Multiclass Open Queueing Networks
Technical Session
Analysis Methodology

Stochastic Search Methods in Simulation Optimization
Honggang Wang
Cumulative Weighting Optimization: The Discrete Case
Population Model-based Optimization with Sequential Monte Carlo
Determining the Optimal Sampling Set Size for Random Search
Technical Session
Simulation Optimization

Tips for Successful Practice of Simulation
Capitol Ballroom F
Laura Reid
Tips for Successful Practice of Simulation
Technical Session
Introductory Tutorials

Vendor Presentations
Recent Innovations in Simio
Vendor Session
Vendor Track I

Vendor Presentations
MATLAB – An Environment for Simulation and Data Analytics
Take Your Process Off the Page with SIMUL8 Simulation Software
Vendor Session
Vendor Track II

Advanced Policy Design Using Multiagent Simulation
Wayne P. Zandbergen
Simulation of Housing Market Dynamics: Amenity Distribution and Housing Vacancy
A Simulation-based Approach to Analyze the Information Diffusion in Microblogging Online Social Network
Disease Modeling Within Refugee Camps: A Multi-agent Systems Approach
Technical Session
Applications in Social Science and Organizations

Advances in Simulation Modeling and Analysis Methods
Capitol Ballroom H-J
Bahar Biller
Ghost Simulation Model for Discrete Event Systems, an Application to a Local Bus Service
Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Programming Formulations for G/G/M Queue
Simulation Modeling, Experimenting, Analysis, and Implementation
Technical Session
Analysis Methodology

Automated Material Handling Systems
Claude Yugma
Methodology to Evaluate the Impact of AMHS Design Characteristics on Operational Fab Performance
Analyzing the Impact of Key Parameters of Vehicle Management Policies in a Unified AMHS
Optimization of AMHS Design for a Semiconductor Foundry Fab by using Simulation Modeling
Technical Session

Concurrent and Parallel Modeling
Robert R. McCune
Multithreaded Agent-Based Simulation
Simulation Studies of Viral Advertisement Diffusion On Multi-GPU
A Holisitic Architecture for Super Real-Time Multiagent Simulation Platforms
Technical Session
Agent Based Simulation

Construction Process Simulation
Pingbo Tang
Model-Based Construction Work Analysis Considering Process-Related Hazards
A Discrete Event Simulation Model of Asphalt Paving Operations
Assessment of Construction Operations Productivity Rate as Computed by Simulation Models
Technical Session
Project Management and Construction

Emergency Response and Natural Disasters
Capitol Ballroom B-C
Kevin Taaffe
Multi-Objective Optimization for Bridge Retrofit to Address Earthquake Hazards
Modeling the Inclusion of Trapped Victims in Logistics Planning for Earthquake Response: A Case Study in the City of Bogota
Exploring How Hierarchical Modeling and Simulation Can Improve Organizational Resourcing Decisions
Technical Session
Homeland Security and Emergency Response

Emergency Room Planning and Design
Ola Batarseh
Estimating Future Demand for Hospital Emergency Services at the Regional Level
SysML for Conceptual Modeling and Simulation for Analysis: A Case Example of a Highly Granular Model of an Emergency Department
Emergency Medical Service System Design Evaluator
Technical Session
Healthcare Applications

Innovations in Simulation Education I
Capitol Ballroom A
Dashi Singham
Interactive Learning of Modeling and Discrete-Events Simulation through Lego® Parts
Challenges in Teaching Modeling and Simulation Online
Teaching Simulation to Ten Thousand Students - American-European Cooperation and Perspectives
Technical Session
Simulation Education

Introductory Tutorial on Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
Capitol Ballroom F
Simon Taylor
Introductory Tutorial on Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
Technical Session
Introductory Tutorials

Natural Resource Supply Chains
Capitol Ballroom K
Erik Lindskog
Simulation-Based Robust Optimization for Complex Truck-Shovel Systems in Surface Coal Mines
Signal-Oriented Railroad Simulation
Technical Session
Supply Chain Management and Transportation

Network Simulation I
L. Felipe Perrone
On Simulating the Resilience of Military Hub and Spoke Networks
Architecture-Based Network Simulation for Cyber Security
Modelling Wireless Networks with the DEVS and Cell-DEVS formalisms
Technical Session

New Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches I
Charles Turnitsa
Theoretic Interplay Between Abstraction, Resolution, and Fidelity in Model Information
A Conceptual Design Tool to Facilitate Simulation Model Development: Object Flow Diagram
Representing the characteristics of modeled processes
Technical Session
Modeling Methodology

Simulation for Decision Making in Safety Applications
Capitol Ballroom E
James Brooks
Discrete Event Formalism to Calculate Acceptable Safety Distance
Supporting Time-Critical Decision Making with Real Time Simulations
Analytics Driven Master Planning for Mecca: Increasing the Capacity While Maintaining the Spiritual Context of Hajj Pilgrimage
Technical Session
Simulation for Decision Making

Simulation in Insurance II
Elliot Wolf
Simulating Abandonment Using Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis in a Shared Billing and Claims Call Center
Monte Carlo Simulation for Insurance Agency Contingent Commission
Technical Session
Business Process Modeling

Simulation-based Estimation Methods
Damien Jacquemart-Tomi
Importance Sampling for the Simulation of Reinsurance Losses
A Combined Importance Splitting and Sampling Algorithm for Rare Event Estimation
Critical Sample Size for the Lp-Norm Estimator in Linear Regression Models
Technical Session
Simulation Optimization

Wednesday, December 11th
Applications in Economics
Andrew Crooks
An Agent-based Model for Sequential Dutch Auctions
An Empirically-Grounded Simulation of Bank Depositors
If You Are So Rich, Why Aren't You Smart?
Technical Session
Applications in Social Science and Organizations

Conceptual Modeling for Simulation
Capitol Ballroom F
Tillal Eldabi
Conceptual Modeling for Simulation
Technical Session
Introductory Tutorials

Estimation Methods in Simulation Analysis
Capitol Ballroom K
Sujin Kim
Density Estimation of Simulation Output Using Exponential Epi-Splines
Linking Statistical Estimation and Decision Making Through Simulation
"Online" Quantile and Density Estimators
Technical Session
Analysis Methodology II

Healthcare Optimization
Sanjay Mehrotra
Optimizing Throughput of a Multi-Room Proton Therapy Treatment Center via Simulation
Pre-Hospital Simulation Model for Medical Disaster Management
An Alternative Approach To Modeling A Pre-Surgical Screening Clinic
Technical Session
Healthcare Applications

Homeland Security
Capitol Ballroom B-C
Denise Masi
Simulating the Potential Impacts of a 10-Kiloton Nuclear Explosion on an Electric Power System Serving a Major City
An Agent-based Simulation Approach for Dual Toll Pricing of Hazardous Material Transportation
A Comparison of Evalutaion Methods for Police Patrol Distric Designs
Technical Session
Homeland Security and Emergency Response

Hybrid Modeling
Jonathan Ozik
A Hybrid Simulation Framework for the Newsvendor Problem with Advertising and Viral Marketing
Distributed Hybrid Agent-Based Discrete Event Emergency Medical Services Simulation
Exploring Feedback and Endogeneity in Agent-based Models
Technical Session
Agent Based Simulation

Innovation and Integration in Scheduling and Simulation
Gunnar Lucko
Construction Schedule Simulation for Improved Project Planning: Activity Criticality Index Assessment
Time-Stepped, Simulation-Based Scheduling System for Large-Scale Industrial Construction Projects
Temporal Perspectives in Construction Simulation Modeling
Technical Session
Project Management and Construction

Innovations in Simulation Education II
Capitol Ballroom A
Theresa Roeder
Simulated Competitions to Aid Tactical Skill Acquisiton
An Experiment in Teaching Operations Management to Sixth Graders
Technical Session
Simulation Education

Network Simulation II
Drew Hamilton
Optimizing Coverage of Three-Dimensional Wireless Sensor Networks by Means of Photon Mapping
On the Transient Response of Open Queueing Networks Using Ad Hoc Distributed Simulations
Real-Time Scheduling of Logical Processes for Parallel Discrete-Event Simulation
Technical Session

New Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches II
Gerd Wagner
Distortion of “Mental Maps” as an Exemplar of Imperfect Situation Awareness
Exploratory and Participatory Simulation
Dispositions and Causal Laws as the Ontological Foundation of Transition Rules in Simulation Models
Technical Session
Modeling Methodology

Panel: A Retrospective Oral History of Computer Simulation
Capitol Ballroom E
James Wilson
A Retrospective Oral History of Computer Simulation: Progress Report
Technical Session
Simulation for Decision Making

Simulation Applications in Finance and Call Centers
Capitol Ballroom H-J
Jose Blanchet
A Nonparametric Method for Pricing and Hedging American Options
Comparing Optimal Convergence Rate of Stochastic Mesh and Least Squares Method for Bermudan Option Pricing
A Bayesian Approach for Modeling and Analysis of Call Center Arrivals
Technical Session
Analysis Methodology

Simulation Modeling and Analysis
Kenneth Fordyce
FAB Simulation with Recipe Arrangement of Tools
A Simulation Study on Line Management Policies with Special Focus on Bottleneck Machines
Automatic Model Verification for Semiconductor Manufacturing Simulation
Technical Session

Simulation Modeling of Manufacturing Processes
Christine Currie
A System Dynamics Approach for Poultry Operation to Achieve Additional Benefits
Upsizing Manufacturing Line in Vietnamese Industrial Plants: A Simulation Approach
Technical Session
Business Process Modeling

Simulation Optimization Applications I
Huashuai Qu
Mixed Integer Simulation Optimization for Petroleum Field Development Under Geological Uncertainty
Hybridized Optimization Approaches To The Scheduling Of Multi-Period Mixed-Btu Natural Gas Products
Sufficiency Model-Action Clarification for Simulation Optimization Applied to an Election System
Technical Session
Simulation Optimization

Advanced Methods for Simulation Experimentation
Capitol Ballroom K
Jeremy Staum
Stochastic Kriging with Qualitative Factors
ARD: An Automated Replication-Deletion Method for Simulation Analysis
Have We Really Been Analyzing Terminating Simulations Incorrectly All These Years?
Technical Session
Analysis Methodology II

Advanced Splitting Methods of Rare Event Simulation
Capitol Ballroom H-J
Jie Xu
Splitting Based Rare-Event Simulation Algorithms for Heavy-tailed Sums
Adaptive Nested Rare Event Simulation Algorithms
Sensitivity Analysis of Rare-Event Splitting Applied to Cascading Blackout Models
Technical Session
Analysis Methodology

Application of Hybrid/Combined Simulation Techniques
Capitol Ballroom E
Tillal Eldabi
Hybrid Simulation For Health And Social Care: The Way Forward, Or More Trouble Than It’s Worth?
Prospective Healthcare Decision-Making by Combined System Dynamics, Discrete-Event and Agent-Based Simulation
A Review of Literature in Modeling Approaches for Sustainable Development
Technical Session
Simulation for Decision Making

Hospital Discharge Analysis
Philip M. Troy
Simulation of the Patient Discharge Process and Its Improvement
Evaluating Policy Interventions for Delayed Discharge: A System Dynamics Approach
Technical Session
Healthcare Applications

M&S as a Service and Standard Transformations
Adelinde Uhrmacher
A Joint Trust and Risk Model for MSaaS Mashups
From Standardized Modeling Formats to Modeling Languages and back - An Exploration based on SBML and ML-Rules
A SaaS-based Automated Framework to Build and Execute Distributed Simulations from SysML Models
Technical Session
Modeling Methodology

Modeling Complex Business Processes
Anthony P. Waller
Forecasting Economic Performance of Implemented Innovation Openness
A Two-Phase Approach for Stochastic Optimization of Complex Processes
Technical Session
Business Process Modeling

Network Simulation III
George Riley
Small-Scale: A New Model of Social Networks
The Design of an Output Data Collection Framework for ns-3
Impacts of Application Lookahead on Distributed Network Emulation
Technical Session

Simulation Education in a Variety of Settings
Capitol Ballroom A
Anders Skoogh
Operations Research and Simulation in Master’s Degrees: A Case Study Regarding Different Universities in Spain
Perspectives on Teaching Simulation in a College of Business
Technical Session
Simulation Education

Simulation Optimization Applications II
Ilya Ryzhov
Simulation-Based Optimization for Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem: A Report of Ongoing Study
Simulation-Based Optimization Using Simulated-Annealing for Optimal Equipment Selection within Print Production Environments
Simulation Based Optimization of Joint Maintenance and Inventory for Multi-Components Manufacturing Systems
Technical Session
Simulation Optimization

Using Experiments to Increase Realism in Social Simulation
Maciej M. Latek
Comparing agent-based models on experimental data of irrigation games
Replicating Human Interaction in Braess Paradox
Using Gaming Simulation Experiments to Test Railway Innovations: Implications for Validity
Technical Session
Applications in Social Science and Organizations

Construction Operation Analysis Using Simulation
Tarek Zayed
Modeling Pipeline Projects Using Computer Simulation
Effective Simulation of Earth Moving Projects
Modeling and Simulating Spatial Requirements of Construction Activities
Simulation in Manufacturing Planning of Buildings
Technical Session
Project Management and Construction

Modeling Techniques for Various Wafer Fab Problems
Hans Ehm
A Novel Simulation Methodology for Modeling Cluster Tools
Advanced Secondary Resource Control in Semiconductor Lithography Areas: From Theory to Practice
Automated Planning, Execution and Evaluation of Simulation Experiments of Semiconductor AMHS
Prediction of Product Layer Cycle Time Using Data Mining
Technical Session