WSC 2002

WSC 2002 Final Abstracts

Web-Based Simulation Track

Monday 10:30:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
Web-Based Simulation 1

Chair: Natalie Steiger (University of Maine)

D-SOL; A Distributed Java based Discrete Event Simulation Architecture
Peter H.M. Jacobs, Niels A. Lang, and Alexander Verbraeck (Delft University of Technology)

Most discrete event simulation environments are based on a process-oriented, and therefore multi-threaded paradigm. This results in simulation environments that are very hard to distribute over more computers, and not easy to integrate with scattered external information sources. The architecture presented here is based on the event-based DES paradigm which is implemented by scheduled method invocation. Objects used in the simulation environment interact with remote, a-synchronous subscribed clients in order to produce representations of the simulated system. The environment, which is implemented in Java, consists of a simulation and representation library and is integrated with several statistical libraries.

Transaction Cycle of Agents and Web-Based Gaming Simulation for International Emissions Trading
Hideyuki Mizuta (IBM Japan) and Yoshiki Yamagata (National Institute for Environmental Studies)

The need for new theoretical and experimental approaches to understand dynamic and heterogeneous behavior in complex economic and social systems is increasing. Computational and gaming simulations are expected to be able to reproduce complex phenomena in economics, and helps us to experiment with various controlling methods, to evaluate systematic designs, and to extract the fundamental elements which produce the interesting phenomena in depth analysis. We developed a simple agent-based simulation framework "ASIA" and its applications for economic and environmental studies including the international greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions trading. We also constructed a Web application for the gaming simulation of the emissions trading with human players to investigate and improve the behavior model for agents. In this paper, we will introduce a transaction procedure with state transition in the hierarchical cycle whose design well suits to this type of social experiments, and also utilize this management system in the web-based gaming system.

Web based Simulation Center: Professional Support for Simulation Projects
James O. Henriksen (Wolverine Corporation), Peter Lorenz (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg), André Hanisch (Fraunhofer Institut für Fabrikbetrieb und Automatisierung), Stefan Osterburg (Fraunhofer Institut für Fabrikbetrieb und -automatisierung) and Thomas J. Schriber (University of Michigan)

Simulation projects are usually cooperative endeavors that involve not only the work on the simulation model itself but also a lot of communication among project partners. In the past, support for communication and cooperation in simulation projects has been poor to non-existent. The Web Based Simulation Center is designed to bring simulation and cooperation together. Because this approach requires and benefits from making simulation tools available on the Web, it is also a first step toward introducing Application Service Providing (ASP) for simulation.

Monday 1:30:00 PM 3:00:00 PM
Web-Based Simulation 2

Chair: Martha Centeno (Florida International University)

Performance Prediction of Dynamic Component Substitutions
Dhananjai M. Rao and Philip A. Wilsey (University of Cincinnati)

The Web-based Environment for Systems Engineering (WESE) is a web-based modeling and simulation environment in which the level of abstraction of a model can be configured statically (prior to simulation) or dynamically (during simulation) by substituting a module (set of components) with an equivalent component or vice versa through a process called Dynamic Component Substitution (DCS). DCS can considerably improve the overall efficiency of simulations by enabling dynamic tradeoffs between several modeling and simulation related parameters. However, identifying ideal sequence of DCS is a complicated task. This paper proposes a novel methodology called DCS performance prediction methodology (DCSPPM) to identify ideal sequences of DCS. DCSPPM utilizes estimates of the changes induced by each atomic DCS along with model characteristics to predict the changes induced by a combination of substitutions. Our studies indicate that the proposed methodology provides good estimates (maximum error < 8%) of the changes induced by DCS.

Configuration, Simulation and Animation of Manufacturing Systems via the Internet
Tom-David Graupner, Hendrik Richter, and Wilfried Sihn (Fraunhofer Institut fur Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung)

In the light of growing demand for individualized products, configuration systems are becoming increasingly important. Most interesting are configurators that can be accessed over the Internet. They can be used by sales representatives and customers independent of location and time. In this paper, a new electronic service for configuration, simulation and animation of manufacturing systems is considered. It allows to present, test and optimize manufacturing systems via the Internet.

The ABELS System: Designing an Adaptable Interface for Linking Simulations
G. Ayorkor Mills-Tettey, Greg Johnston, Linda F. Wilson, Joseph M. Kimpel, and Bin Xie (Dartmouth College)

The Agent-Based Environment for Linking Simulations (ABELS) provides a framework to facilitate the dynamic exchange of data between distributed simulations and other remote data resources. Specifically, the framework allows the formation of a dynamic data and simulation cloud that links a heterogeneous collection of networked resources. ABELS consists of three major components: user entities that serve as data producers and/or consumers, a brokering system for organizing and linking the various participants, and generic local agents that connect simulations and data resources to the cloud of participants. This paper describes the major redesign and implementation of the generic local agent, which serves as the adaptable inter-face between the user and the ABELS system.

Monday 3:30:00 PM 5:00:00 PM
Web-Based Simulation 3

Chair: Rich Kilgore (OpenSML and ThreadTec, Inc.)

Simulation Web Services with .Net Technologies
Richard A. Kilgore (OpenSML and ThreadTec, Inc.)

The concept of web services represent the next generation of architectures for interoperability between software applications based on software industry standards. Presented here is an overview of web services, a discussion of the use of web services in the context of simulation and a demonstration of the use of web services for simulation as implemented in the Microsoft .Net software development and execution framework. The paper focuses on the vital role of industry standards in the definition and implementation of web services and relates this to the opportunities and challenges for similar standards and benefits for interoperability in simulation software.

Re-Introducing Web-Based Simulation
Steven W. Reichenthal (Boeing)

This paper re-introduces web-based simulation from a web development point of view by first comparing the goals, structures, operations, and communication mechanisms on the web with those of current distributed simulation technology, and then synthesizing a new web-based simulation paradigm that more closely resembles the technology found on the web. The resulting paradigm is expressed through the Simulation Reference Markup Language (SRML) and Simulation Reference Simulator (SR Simulator) developed through research at Boeing.

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